Angels. That’s a word with many connotations. What do you associate them with?
Possibilities include: Cute cherubs. Winged humans in robes, with a halo. Someone who appears in your life to help you in a time of need. A selfless person like mother Teresa.
Maybe you believe strongly in angels… Maybe you don’t.
I, for one, did not have any special feelings about angels growing up.
In fact, you might say that until roughly ten years ago, I didn’t even believe in angels. More accurately, I was just never raised to give them any special emphasis, either way. Whether angels existed or did not exist simply didn’t concern me.
Funny that now my friends refer to me as the “angel whisperer”, and I have come out of the spiritual closet (so to speak) by declaring “I talk to angels”. More, I found myself rather suddenly, and somewhat against my “will”, doing a weekly radio show about angels. In fact I’m a Certified Angel Card Reader® and I just wrote a book about angels…
Suffice to say, angels are now a huge part of my life. I talk to them all the time. They are an integral part of my life and I would not have it any other way as they’ve been the greatest gift to me…
In the interest of sharing that gift, I’d like to share with you Angels 101—the 7 basics that everyone should know about angels.
1. Angels Are Real
I don’t like to quibble about vocabulary.
What I call “angels,” I perceive and understand as beings of light that work on behalf of the Divine (God, Source, the Universe, the Creator, a Higher Power — whatever feels right for you.)
Some people call them spirit guides. Others prefer different descriptions.
Whatever words you use to describe them, angels are real.
We each have a set of guardians that are with us from when we are born, until we transition out of this life. Some people can “see” them. Some cannot. What one person sees or envisions could be different from your own experience.
I know them to be the same beings with the same purpose.
2. Angels Are Here to Help You
The purpose of your angels is to be your guide and protectors for the length of your life. Their sole purpose is to help you.
Your angels are not out and about the whole earth helping everyone else, as well as you.
There’s no “pool” of angels that have to split their time between you and 7 billion other people.
You don’t have to feel badly expecting or wanting their presence, help or guidance because that’s why they are here.
Your angels love and adore you and they love to help you in whatever way they can. Nothing gives them more joy!
However, there is one rule you must know…
3. You Have to Ask
Unless you are in mortal danger, your angels can only actively help you if you ask.
Really? Yes, really. Let me repeat that as it’s essential:
Unless you are in mortal danger, your angels can only actively help you if you ask.
If you need or desire their help, you have to ask. You may have asked in the past and not really known it. Any time you turn your attention to God, the Universe or whatever you perceive as a higher power and reach out with your thoughts or soul, you are “asking.”
How much easier and more efficient, though, to consciously know you CAN ask, and that you MUST ask.
4. You Can Ask for Anything
Nothing is too big or small for your angels to help you with. You can, and should, entrust everything to your angels.
You can ask for “small” things like parking, which route to take home, which line to stand in at the grocery store, which TV to buy, help to find something, etc.
You can ask for “big” things, like unexpected money to come to you, healing, your soul mate, to take painful emotions away, or to help you find a solution.
You can absolutely ask for ANYTHING. However, with that comes the trust that whatever is yours will never pass you by.
If what you ask for doesn’t happen or appear, there’s a reason. It wasn’t right, you have something to learn, or something better is on the way. This trust is important, but the more you ask and trust, the more you will bring into your life.
5. You Can Ask for Help for Others
Within the “you can ask for anything” umbrella, you absolutely can request help for others, too. I do this all the time.
Any time I hear of a tragedy, I ask my angels to send angels of calm, peace and protection. I send angels to anyone I know is suffering.
I regularly ask my angels to protect my children. When I do my distance energy healing sessions, I call on them to include their love and healing, to infuse the healing with angelic energy. I often ask my angels to send healing and peace to the entire globe.
You can ask for resolutions to others’ problems. You can send love, light and healing. Again, ask for anything, for anyone.
6. Angels Are Always Communicating With You (Angel Signs)
Like I said, whether you believe in them or not, your angels are there—always with you.
They love to give you signs to remind you of their presence, to get your attention, or to let you know without a doubt they are real.
Like the words we use to describe them, the ways in which we will know our angels’ presence will vary.
However, common signs include:
Light: At the start of this article I mentioned “beings of light”. Angels definitely like to play with light, often appearing as orbs or flashes of light whose source can’t be traced. In the photo above you can see a green orb in the lower left corner…
That actually moved significantly, throughout the series of shots I was taking as I played with the sunrise coming through my bedroom door, even though the shots themselves, the angles, changed very little.
I didn’t notice the orb until I looked at the photos. If you see a flash of light, or an orb, it’s likely your angels saying “Hi”. A fly-by, if you will!
Numbers: 111 and 444 are considered angel numbers. (In fact, if you listen to my radio show you’ll hear me talk about that being how my angels first got my attention.) Likewise, any repeating sequence you seem to see over and over everywhere is a sign from your angels. Look out for: 1234, 222, 555, 777, etc.
Feathers: I was walking down the street in Seattle (I WISH I remembered what I was talking or thinking about) and a big, perfectly white feather floated down, out of nowhere, and fell into my hand as I reached out.
Random feathers, especially in random places, are a classic angel sign. A “Hello!” from your team of angels.
Songs: That song that came on the radio at the perfect time; that one that means so much to you? Yes, it was for you.
Walking or driving by somewhere and you hear a snippet of a song and that one line jumps out at you… “slow down, don’t move so fast” or “everything will be alright” — that’s for you, too. (As I sit here editing this, I realize there’s a song I’ve never heard playing on my sister’s radio that keeps singing “Angel”. Hi, Angels!!)
Angelic Symbols: Suddenly you see angels everywhere!
Angel earrings. An angel sticker on the back of a car. A cloud that looks like an angel. An angel statue. A picture depicting an angel. The name or the word, Angel.
I was once asking my angels for some serious calm and pain relief when suddenly a man took off his shirt and there was a tattoo across his back—an angel whose wings spanned from shoulder to shoulder!
I knew my angels were letting me know they were close, and heard me.
Your Feelings: You can often feel your angels’ presence. For some this is a warmth in the heart chakra area. For others it’s a lightness of being, even laughter-like feeling of joy.
Once you start paying attention, you’ll “know” when your angels are around and communicating with you. Trust yourself. If you think it’s your angels, it probably is—especially if it feels good.
7. How to Communicate with Your Angels
This all begs the question, HOW do you communicate with your angels?
Well, just like the defining words can differ, and the way they make themselves known to you…
The way you “talk” to your angels will be unique to you, too.
However, here are some ways I choose to talk to my angels:
Out Loud: I just talk to them. I usually say, “Angels…” and then just start talking to them, or making a request.
I might say things like, “Angels, I need you to bring me some unexpected money.” “Angels, angels, angels — please take away this anger and deep sadness so I can be in peace.” “Angels, protect my children from all harm, today and every day.”
In Writing: One lady taught me to make a To Do list. Simply write down all the things you want your angels to take care of on your behalf, today or this week. Just remember, nothing is too big or small.
Create your “Angels To Do List”, put it somewhere and leave them to it!
Silently: As I said before, any time you turn your attention towards what is beyond this physical world to what many call “heaven”, you are asking for their presence and help. A silent “help” will suffice. But you can ask for anything, in any words, silently, if you wish.
I personally find my own angels prefer me to ask out loud, however that could be a belief that I hold that I make true! You will see what feels and works best for you.
Visualizing: When I send help, love, or healing to others, I like to envision legions of angels surrounding them with light and love.
If I find myself in despair (like when I left my husband, or my Dad was killed), I imagine my angels with their hands on my shoulders, or holding me, tight. This type of visualizing has brought me great comfort, countless times.
Angel Card Readings: This is now one of my favorite ways to get specific guidance from my angels. So in this way, it’s not just asking…
I get a direct answer so it’s more like a conversation!
Angel Cards come in various forms (often called Oracle cards) and you can get your own deck, or have a pro do a reading for you.
I’ve become open to (and trained in, actually) “reading” them—interpreting the images on the cards chosen, the feelings I get, images I see and words that pass through my thoughts…
In order to understand what message is being conveyed to the questioner, whether that’s for me, or a client.
To Learn More:
I offer live readings for call-in or written questions, so I hope you’ll come join me and “play with the angels” one day, soon.
In the meantime, I’m super-proud to introduce to all you AMAZING women out there a book that my angels very much guided me to write after the horrific trauma of my Dad being killed in February 2013…
“Letters From Your Angels” was a labour of love, and it’s available on, now.
And, don’t forget to ASK your angels for whatever you need!
About the Author:
Zia Holte is a Canadian/American writer, energy healer and entrepreneur. A Certified Angel Card Reader®, she’s also the host of the weekly radio show, “We Walk With Angels” on the Awakened Radio Network.
Of “Letters From Your Angels,” she says:
“After the tragic death of my Dad, at the hand of my very ill brother, I felt my angels closer than ever. This book was born from the kind of love, comfort and hope I knew in my heart my angels were giving me, during my darkest hours.
Shortly after, when the worst had started to pass, I felt the very strong need to write this book, and let everyone who wanted or needed to hear it know that you are not alone, and that there’s always help, light and love available to you.”
You can learn more about Zia’s story at, and find her fan pages on Facebook.